Saturday, December 1, 2012

Wow...what can happen in a year!!!

The BoM link!! Oh Elder Sneed how clever you are :)

Being picked up at the MTC :(

Attempting to strap my shoe on...not working so well haha

Walking in the dirt in high heels does NOT work...but this did :)

Well...time has definitely passed and my life has, in that time, flipped upside down, inside out and all around. Thank goodness I'm not in charge of my life :) But in with the hard times have been the most important lessons I have ever learned in my life. I learned how to be a best friend. I experienced what it is like to truly, deeply love someone. Not only what it was like for me to feel love for someone else, but to also be loved back.I learned how to recognize and act upon the promptings of the matter how hard or terrifying it might be. I once heard that... "Courage is not the absence of fear but rather the judgment that something else is more important than fear." (yes I heard that on the movie Princess Diaries".) I am still learning that one, but Heavenly Father in his infinite mercy has been holding my hand all the way. I've gotten to experience the joy of serving a mission, having my little black name tag with Sister Garner printed right above The Church of Jesus Christ Of Latter Day Saints, I got to serve deaf and hearing people in American Sign Language and I got to have the most amazing companion in the entire world!! Then life got hectic once I got home. I changed schools, changed majors, changed cities, and got a new job. Crazy!!!! I did a semester at UVU (which I am just about done with. Two more days!!!) and I met so many wonderful people! My classes were amazing, I learned, I grew and I thought, once again, I was finally getting in the hang of things. WRONG! I am now moving home, transferring to...well either SLCC or DATC...I'm not sure there anymore either haha I might be working at convergys, or at sizzler, or at some other random job I decide to pick up :) I am dating the most wonderful man who truly has the most incredible testimony and is so much fun to be around! I truly am blessed in my life, yes everything is up in the air and I have so many options and choices to make...but that just proves to me even more how much Heavenly Father loves me and is preparing me for greater things! Below are some fun pictures from my mission and my last 10 months home. I loved all my companions, my district, and the districts we became friends with. What an incredible experience!

Friday, March 2, 2012

Wow...where to start. Maybe next time I decided to start a blog I will do something crazy like post things on it more often.

Wellllllll......since July I have had my world turned upside down, flipped inside out, and shooken profusely. Beginning of August I was an EFY counselor in Sacramento California